Secrets of Happy Marriage According to Study

Having a happy married life is the dream of every married couple. Unfortunately, not all couples can achieve that dream. Some individuals even claim to be unhappy with their marriage. To avoid the feeling of unhappy with the marriage, you can try to order the Viagra Coupon.

Unhappiness in marriage can be caused by various things, one of which is that sex life is less attractive and challenging for him.

A study conducted by researchers at the Institute of Family Studies found that people who find full happiness in their marriages are people who have not had intimate relationships before marriage or are still virgins.

Launching from the page, those who only have intercourse with their legitimate partner will get a very happy marriage relationship.

A sociologist at IFS, Bradford Wilcox revealed, “Less experience is better, this can make someone very happy in their marriage. Those who are not interested in intimate relationships without commitment, after marriage, tend to be more loyal and more committed to their partners.”

Experts say if having multiple partners before marriage can make someone feel less satisfied with his marriage. Unlike the case with people who are committed and only loyal to their partners, he will accept his marriage well, sincerely and happily. To make your marriage more well, just buy the Cialis Coupons.